Oversized transports need escorts in order to provide the security of the transport and the safety of the goods transported.

Oversized transports which exceed certain dimensions and weights are obliged by the legislation of each transit country, to have special escorts that are dedicated to these transports.

Escorts are carried out by accompanying vehicles and qualified, accredited personnel who collaborate with drivers and authorities throughout the transport in order to facilitate transport from point A to point B.

The personnel accompanying oversized transports are authorized by the competent bodies, C.N.A.I.R. and ARR. They also receive in-house training and are trained to complete any oversized transport operation.

Because we know how important it is for our customers that the goods arrive safely and in a timely manner at their destination, Moldis Car provides a fleet of accompanying vehicles for large oversized transports.

In some cases, the legislation in force (O.G. 43/1997, Order 356/2010) as well as police escorts are mandatory, both in the country of origin and in the European Union. We collaborate with various companies from all over Europe that are specialised in this field, thus managing to ensure that both our transport and yours comply with the legislation.

Have something to transport?

Do you have an oversized, large or very large transport to make? Request an offer by filling in the form and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.


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